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Create short URLs from our API!

To get an API key, you must log in as a Pro member.

Example of creating short URLs:

Without options With options

Parameters and description:

Parameters can be send as GET or POST.

Mandatory parameters Description Default value
username Username of your Pro account null
key Your API key null
url URL or email address to shorten null
Optional parameters Description Default value
alias Enables you to customize your short URL.
E.g.: If you type myurl, the URL will be shorten to:
preview Indicates if the link information must be hidden or not (value must be 0 or 1).
If 0: Information will be hidden.
If 1: Information will be visible.
cloacking Enables to hide the redirection URL in the address bar (value must be 0 or 1).
If 0: The redirection URL will be visible.
If 1: The redirection URL will be hidden.

Return values

Values are returned in JSON format. Example:

    "long_url": "",
    "short_url": ""



In case of error, the value error is returned. It contains the list of all the errors found, separated by a coma. Examples :

    "error":"Required : username"
    "error":"Wrong parameter : username,key,url"

Here are the different types of errors:

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